![shutterstock 359430287[1] shutterstock 359430287[1]](https://www.mm-metal-recycling.com/cache/56767d287be195ffb390a352ce8b147d/shutterstock_359430287[1].jpg)
For People, Society and the Earth, circulating resources for a sustainable future
If you collaborate with MM Metal Recycling B.V., you will have a partner who treats people, society and the environment as a top priority. This is because we operate in accordance with the philosophy of our parent company, Mitsubishi Materials Group, and our aim is to create a better future. We are more than happy to tell you how we do that.
Among other things, Mitsubishi Materials Group provides basic materials which are essential to the world. Examples include the manufacture of raw materials, high-quality processed products, basic materials and new materials, engineering services and the recycling of raw materials.
We do this by using resources and raw materials in the most efficient way possible. Our aim is to create a circular economy and help make our planet sustainable.
Our Vision, Values and Code of Conduct
The philosophy of the Mitsubishi Materials Group is reflected specifically in our vision, values and code of conduct. Every employee of Mitsubishi Materials Group, so also the employees of MM Metal Recycling B.V., works in accordance with these principles.
Our aim is to become the leading player in our field who is committed to creating a sustainable world, through innovation in materials and using our unique and distinctive technologies on behalf of people, society and the environment.
Respect for diversity and teamwork
We encourage innovation via teamwork. to do this we create an environment in which diversity plays a crucial role and in which everyone gets an opportunity for personal development.
Honest, quick and resolute action
We always act honestly. We overcome challenges quickly and resolutely.
We work tirelessly for our customers and society
We know how to combine our strengths and continuously look for how we can improve, for our customers and society. With innovative products for a fair price.
Order of priority
We work in accordance with our 'SCQDE' methods (see below). This determines the order of our priorities. Before we deliver our products and services to customers, we first have to comply in full with the SCQ and be satisfied with D. We believe that we can gain the trust of customers and society by continuously and fairly applying SCQD. The ultimate result is a gain for all the parties involved.

Code of Conduct
We will respect human rights of all We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for all our stakeholders. We will comply with all laws and regulations where we operate and conduct fair business activities in good faith. We will contribute to the development of each region and build a harmonious relationship of mutual prosperity with local communities. 4-1 We will work to build and maintain good relations with local communities where our business has an impact. We will work to manage our environmental impact and promote decarbonization, make efficient use of natural resources, and accelerate recycling. 5-1 We will comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations and make continuous efforts to eliminate pollution.Article 1 - Respect Human Rights
1-1 We will contribute to the creation of a free and equal society.
1-2 We will eliminate discrimination and respect the dignity of each individual.
1-3 We do not tolerate child labor or any other forms of forced labor.
1-4 We will create a pleasant and comfortable work environment.
1-5 We will strive to achieve and maintain work-life balance.
1-6 We do not tolerate any forms of harassment, including sexual harassment, abuse of authority, and any discrimination related to pregnancy, childcare, and nursing care leave.
1-7 We will build and maintain good labor relations on the basis of sincere dialogue and mutual trust.Article 2 – Safety First
2-1 We will continue to make maximum efforts to prevent occupational accidents and to ensure health and safety of employees.
2-2 We will strive to prevent accidents, including fire, explosion and spill, and mitigate risks presented by natural disasters.
2-3 We will provide safe products, services, and solutions to society.Article 3 - Compliance
3-1 We will conduct our business with integrity in compliance with all company rules and standards.
3-2 We will work in the best interests of the company and not for personal gain.
3-3 We will comply with all applicable competition laws and regulations and ensure free and fair competition.
3-4 We will conduct fair and responsible advertising, promotion, and marketing activities.
3-5 We will look to create mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers and business partners.
3-6 We will comply with all applicable import and export laws, regulations and proper procedures to ensure the responsible control of trade for our products and technologies.
3-7 We will provide information in a timely manner as well as protect intellectual property rights, personal information and customer data.
3-8 We will take utmost care in handling inside information and comply with all related laws and regulations.
3-9 We do not infringe on third party intellectual property rights or misuse information with property value.
3-10 We will offer and/or receive gifts and entertainment in a responsible manner and will not gain any form of improper advantages for business.
3-11 We will make charitable donations as determined by management, based on careful examination of its social nature, public need and impact.
3-12 We will co-operate with governments in a fair and responsible manner to facilitate development of proposed legislation which may affect business interests. Any political donations will comply with the law.
3-13 We do not tolerate any financial dealings and/or any arrangements with groups that make illegal demands and unreasonable demands of the company.
3-14 If we are in breach of any law, regulation or social norm, we will quickly implement corrective actions.
3-15 We will construct and implement a sound corporate governance system.Article 4 - Mutual Prosperity
4-2 We will respect the religion, culture, custom, language and values of local communities where our business has an impact.
4-3 We will engage in an active dialogue and interactions with the local communities and work to gain accurate recognition of our business based on mutual understanding.
4-4 We will engage in social contribution activities in various fields, including culture, education and welfare.
Article 5 - Environmental Management
5-2 We will engage in the development design, and production of environmentally-friendly materials and products.
5-3 We will enhance resource and energy saving, waste reduction as well as the reuse and recycling of end-of-life products.
5-4 We will promote the transition to decarbonization through our business operations to prevent significant climate change.
5-5 We will strive to make effective use and conservation of water resources.
5-6 We will be more considerate of biodiversity and work to live in harmony with nature.

We are here to help you!
+31 168 745 555 info@mm-metal-recycling.com