port agency 1

Why collaborate with MM Metal Recycling B.V.?

There are just 1.5 months between the moment you deliver your e-scrap and the moment you receive payment from us. You can rest assured that we will process your e-scrap in a fast, transparent and environmentally friendly way. What is more, you get your test results quickly, have no worries regarding transport and run a minimal risk of price fluctuations.

We set a target of 1.5 months between the time you submit your e-scrap and you receive payment from us.between the moment you deliver your e-scrap and the moment you receive payment from us. You can rest assured that we will process your e-scrap in a fast, transparent and environmentally friendly way. What is more, you get your test results quickly, have no worries regarding transport and run a minimal risk of price fluctuations.

You too can process your e-scrap in a CO2-neutral way

You are doing all you can to work in a climate-neutral way. That includes the processing of your e-scrap. With MM Metal Recycling B.V. you can be confident that you have a partner who prioritizes a healthy environment.

Receive test results and payment quickly

Because we already take samples in the Netherlands and send them by plane to Japan, you receive your test results very quickly. Within 1.5 months you will know which metals were present in your e-scrap and what we are able to pay you.

No worries about transport

We not only arrange transportation of samples, but also of bulk e-scrap. We send it by ship to our smelting plants in Japan. This means you do not have to arrange any containers.

Minimise the risk of price fluctuations

We will send you a quotation based on the month in which you deliver your e-scrap. Because our transportation times are so short price fluctuations on the international markets scarcely have an impact on your consignment. That gives you more certainty in terms of your operations.

How can you deliver e-scrap to MM Metal Recycling B.V.?

Almost all our customers deliver their e-scrap to MM Metal Recycling B.V. by lorry. Some customers deliver material in containers to the Port of Rotterdam, after which it is transported by lorry to Metal Recycling B.V.


8 steps from delivery to payment

1. Packaging and shipment You can make a booking more than a week before your delivery via our online platform MEX. On the day itself you deliver the material along with the prescribed documents, which can be printed off from MEX.You can read more about MEX here.

2. Weighing and inspection After we have weighed your e-scrap, an inspector will check the weighed material. We will also decide on the right sampling method.

3. Sampling From three sampling methods, we select the most suitable one. We use two types of automatic methods and one manual method. The automatic sampling system covers the entire process, from loading material to extracting the samples. This gives you the security of a fully automated and objective sampling without any human intervention.

4. Sample Preparation We grind and separate the collected samples for analysis.

5. Transportation of samples by plane The samples for analysis are sent by plane to our lab in Japan. This takes three to four days.

6. Analysis (by Mitsubishi Materials in Japan). The samples are analysed in accordance with ISO standards.

7. Reporting analysis results (by Mitsubishi Materials in Japan). We send you the analysis results via MEX.

8. Payment The payment takes place on the basis of the analysis results.